I embrace life as it is, not as I need it to be

What have you been withdrawing from your own life because there is no guarantee? Is there an idea you would like to implement or a career you would like to pursue? A new hobby you want to try? A relationship you want to take to a new level?

How would a 100 percent guarantee change your behavior? Consider acting that way now, even without the guarantee.

So often in life we want a guarantee. You have undoubtedly realized how the business of extended warranties has become a main source of revenue for retailers. We will pay a few extra hundred dollars on a new electronic device for the comfort and safety brought by a warranty.

We often bring the same desire for a guarantee to our personal life. We want to try something new, but we are fearful. We long to know that our energy will not be wasted. We want to try a new career or implement a new idea, but we need reassurance to warrant the risk. We seek some reassurance that we will be better off for taking a chance. Without reassurance it is easy to withdraw and not take a chance.

But we must learn to dance with life, even without a guarantee. We must reach past our fears and embrace risk to discover the path to fulfillment. For the greatest things in life aren’t backed by guarantee, but by risk and courage.

Dr. Maryam Safai

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